Boletin informativo

Vecinos ayudando a vecinos en tiempos difíciles

In late March of 2020, a group of mostly expats in the Ojo de Agua colonia started a food pantry (despensa) to help neighbors who were suffering hardship due to reduced or complete loss of work because of the COVID-19 pandemic. Ojo de Agua is a diverse community not far from the San Miguel de […]

Vecinos ayudando a vecinos en tiempos difíciles Lee mas "

carta del presidente

Over the past 18 months, Feed the Hungry has delivered more than a metric kiloton of food through our Feed the Families initiative, providing essential nutrition for thousands of desperate families. Kiloton is a powerful word. It is typically understood as a measurement of energy and destructive power. But for us, it represents something much more

carta del presidente Lee mas "

Una comunidad que apoyamos

La Cuadrilla is a rural community of 584 inhabitants (INEGI 2020 census) in 142 households. Fewer than half of the dwellings have toilets or sanitary facilities. The average level of schooling is 7 years. Esmeralda, one of our beneficiaries in this community, is a 29-year-old mother of two children ages one and four. She and her

Una comunidad que apoyamos Lee mas "

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