Boletin informativo

Una comunidad que apoyamos: Clavellinas

Clavellinas, also known as Coyotes Clavellinas, is one of the most populated communities within the San Miguel de Allende municipality, with 1,425 inhabitants in 296 homes. Our school kitchen there, opened in 2007, serves meals every school day to 300 preschool and elementary school students.

Una comunidad que apoyamos: Clavellinas Lee mas "

A Magical Experience for Guests of Feed the Hungry

Feed the Hungry San Miguel recently hosted guests of our popular “March Magic” tour, held March 28 through April 3. Attendees got to experience the wonders of San Miguel de Allende and surrounding areas, as well as the kind of transformative work we are able to do thanks to the funds raised by the event.

A Magical Experience for Guests of Feed the Hungry Lee mas "

carta del presidente

I am honored to introduce myself as the new president of Feed the Hungry San Miguel. I started working with Feed the Hungry more than three years ago, first packing food, then driving food deliveries to schools every week, then as a board member. I am humbled to have the confidence of the board and promise to do all I can to continue the success of Feed the Hungry.

carta del presidente Lee mas "

Fin de una era: el legado de Al Kocourek como presidente de Feed the Hungry San Miguel

Como expresidente inmediato de Feed the Hungry San Miguel, Inc, Al Kocourek siempre será honrado como el líder que llevó a la organización al estado de modelo a seguir para todas las organizaciones benéficas en San Miguel de Allende, quizás para todas las organizaciones benéficas en México.

Fin de una era: el legado de Al Kocourek como presidente de Feed the Hungry San Miguel Lee mas "

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